Kerri Butler - Director/Consultant
Ko Ngātokimatawhaorua te waka
Ko Puke Huia me Puke Haua ngā maunga
Ko Hokianga Whakapau Karakia te moana
Ko Ngāpuhi me Ngāti Porou ngā iwi
Ko Ngāti Hau me Te Mahurehure ngā hapū
Ko Kerri Butler āhau
Kerri has worked in various roles in the sector, at local, regional and national levels since 2009. She is an experienced Prince2 practitioner, with over a decade experience in senior project management positions within Te Rau Ora, Te Kete Pounamu, CM Health and Take Notice Limited.
Her own lived experience is a key factor in ensuring the delivery of outcomes that are informed by, and meaningful for tangata whaiora.
Tohu Mātauranga
Post Graduate Diploma in Public Health - Currently Studying at Auckland Uni (2021)
Careerforce Assessor - National Certificate in Mental Health and Addictions (2016)
National Certificate in Adult Learning Level 4 (2015)
Prince2® project methodology – Practitioner Level (2014)
Bachelor of Business - Accounting and Management Majors (2014)
Non Violent Crisis Intervention Training (2012)
National Certificate in Small Business management (2005)