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Tui Taurua-Peihopa -Tangata Whaiora Kaitiaki



Ko Maataatua toku Waka
Ko Pou e Rua toku Maunga
Ko Waitangi toku Awa
Ko  Ngati Kawa Ngati Rehia raua  Ngati  Rahiri  oku Hapu
Ko Ngapuhi toku Iwi
Ko Kingi Taurua toku papa
Ko Mate Horomoana Ashby toku whaea

Tui has lived experience, and knowledge in marae based and whanau related services and activities..  She developed seek the mind of a warrior  a training programme that focuses on using strengths using Maori models of practice.   She is the chair of Te Huarahi o Te Kete Pounamu, the National Rōpū for people with experience of mental health and/or addictions.   


Tui has  lead and developed services, education and training programs, and quality improvement processes.  Tui has experience in monitoring and evaluating services,, event planning and delivery and mentoring and supervision.  


Tohu Mātauranga:

Applied Writing - North Tec, Level 5, Completed February 2014

Careerforce – National Mental Health and Addictions Service Trainee Assessor, 2013

Certificate in Health Promotion - Manukau Institute of Technology, Auckland NZ, Completed 2004

National Mental Health Certificate, AIT (now Auckland University of Technology, Auckland NZ, Graduated October 1995