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Take Notice was the vision of Kerri Butler during one of her final business papers where the strategic plan and vision came alive.  It provided an opportunity to combine a love of facilitation and education, whilst  also using both her project management and lived experience expertise.

The name 'Take Notice'  was inspired by the Mental Health Foundation's five ways to well being.   It seemed like an appropriate name for an organisation that promotes the voices of people with lived experience of mental health and addictions in all levels of service development and delivery.  In 2014 Take Notice became more than just a dream...

In 2017 her daughter Sammy decided to bring her skills and talent to the business.  This provided an opportunity to expand the business and pursue other opportunities, as well as link up with other leaders within the sector such as Debra Lampshire and Tui Taurua-Peihopa who provide added depth and expertise in the business.

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